Sunday, April 21, 2013

5 week catch up

So I realize I have fallen a bit behind on the weekly posts for Sterling, so this is a catch up post with all of his photos. I went back to work on 4.8.13 and it has been a bit chaotic to say the least. Tomorrow I start a new job (!) so hopefully things will settle enough to allow me to keep better on top of things!



Sterling is definitely beginning to fill out! 

At a 8 weeks Sterling started to find his tongue - If you stick yours out, he will mimic you and stick his out which is adorable!

At 9 weeks the rascal has started to roll. He realizes if he pulls his knees in he can flip from one side to the other..
 In fact the little rascal rolled from his tummy to his back during the photo shoot! Thankfully this has not become a problem at night...yet!


 At 10 weeks Sterling started to smile. He hasn't been as smiley as I remember Hudson being, but he is catching up!

  At 11weeks Sterling has gotten more expressive.

At at 12 weeks, Sterling is really happy baby. He kicks a lot (loves his bouncy chair) and loves to be tickled on his cheeks, neck and belly. He even started giggling this week which is super cute!

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