Wednesday, February 20, 2013

let it snow!

 So we got our big snow of the year two Saturdays ago. It was the first "real" big snow that we got to take Hudson out and actually have fun! First off, isn't Sterling getting cute? he is really filling out.

 Hudson decided to 'help' Daddy shovel the walk....


Then the next day we went to the park - there was so much snow! It was the most I had seen at the park. We used the washer pan that didn't get installed with a couple of modifications for a rope pull. Hudson loved being pulled on the 'sled'.


A lot of people were inventive when it came to crafting sleds - this family used a laundry basket and a climbing rope.


The snow was so pretty  - and there was a ton of it so you could really only tell where the path was due to the absence of trees. Dave pulled Hudson up and down a gentle slope on the great lawn a dozen or so times. Hudson really loved it...


Such a cutie!

Then we found a fort someone had built:



I think Sterling stayed the warmest in the Beco carrier - but Hudson had a ton of fun! We were glad we brought extra mittens as the first pair got pretty soaked.

It was nice to make some memories!

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