Thursday, May 3, 2012


A little baby eye candy that we caught on film over the past month but didn't take the time to post. At the park with Hudson...

 We looked at people and kites on a warm day in March...

 Such a cutie...
 Still looking at the kites!
 Kid loves flowers - he says "flau-wur" and does the ASL sign every time he sees one or many....
 Our front garden started with crocus which was a nice surprise...

 Finally - a descent shot with the two of us...
 He likes to point to the camera...

 Caught ya! Playing with the barn...
Emma was playing together in his room! They play nicely together so the moms can catch up. So thoughtful of them!

 I took Good Friday off from work. And it was a good day! We enjoyed the park...

 Playing in the sand box is serious business...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

living room reveal

Can't believe it is already May. What happened to this year? I am so very behind. I have birthday cards from March and April that I haven't even sent out (being an Aunt to nine is not the easiest). I hope to get them out this week....The parents and the in-laws got their Christmas present in March. That was 2011 Christmas' present. That's how behind I've been. 2012 has just run me over a bit and I'm still catching my breath.

But in more exciting news..I discovered these images that I took in April and March so I can reveal the next space - the living room! A trip down memory lane...remember the dark red brick? And the pink walls?
 And here it is in the middle of construction... You see the tip of the kitchen island...
And now the loong awaited reveal (if you are still reading!)...


 View looking back at the kitchen. This is closest to the actual color of the sofa.
 Bonus reveal... the dining room! This shot is taken from the kitchen

 And finally a shot from the entry - give you a sense of scale...

Highlighted above is our Lindsay Adelman inspired 9-bulb light fixture. We had fun making it - installing it wasn't so fun. We had to re-build it over Christmas break as it wasn't balanced and it hung lopsided to the point it hit Dave's head. Good news is it hangs pretty much straight and is sculptural and functional. Love the way it turned out. Dave spray-painted the brass stems matte black which relates nicely to our Tom Dixon inspired kitchen pendants.